The times… they are ‘a changing. Job searching, resume
submitting, interviewing, and follow up have all required certain finesse. As
with all things, though, with new technology and new socially accepted norms, a
person in search of a new opportunity must forgo the ways of their parents, or
even the ways they were taught in school for a modern approach to job
searching. Each aspect of the process, and it is a process, must take into account who you’re talking to, what your
purpose is, and what avenue would best relay your message. The path to the
eventual hire is a long road and comes in phases (or at least that is how this
recruiter sees it).
Stage 1: The Hunt
So you were laid off, fired, are looking casually or went
out in a blaze of glory from your last position. However you came to end up perusing
CareerBuilder and LinkedIn, you are here now and most likely need a little
Digitize: Social
Media is the absolute best way to get your name out there. No longer is it
acceptable, or fruitful, to submit resumes en masse to faceless job postings or
the front desk receptionist at your target company. Do a little research and
you will find that Recruiters and hiring managers are all over interwebs
seeking people just like you. You just have to make yourself findable. Using
each of the media below (and so many more) talk about what you are looking for.
Make it clear your goal of the ideal role for you.
- Twitter: Get one. Use one. Hashtags. The end.
- LinkedIn: Complete your profile. Update contact info. Be active.
- Facebook: Join Groups. Talk. Share. Post.
- Google+: Ooh! You’re fancy and with-it. Stay that way: Post often as it helps your SEO (Google it).
- Blog: WordPress, Blogger, etc. Again, post often and promote via media listed above.
Stage 2: A Little Song
and Dance
So they found you, you found them, or one of those resumes
magically made it to the right place. Wonderful! You’re not done. Not even
close. The interview process is a delicate obstacle course full of judging eyes
and silly questions all designed to test you, rate you, and generally size you
up against competition or simply the hiring manager’s idea of what this
position should look like. A few humble suggestions from a young recruiter and
you are on your way to an offer!
Prepare: Know the job (the best you can with what you have).
Know how to get to the location. I know it doesn’t seem fair but on a
subconscious level, it is a mark against you if you have to call our office for
directions. Overdress: not like it’s the Enchantment
Under The Sea Homecoming, but wear something suitable for the place you are
vying for (or even a bit nicer)
Engage: I won’t give a ton of suggestion for during the
interview simply because this is your time to be you. So do just that. Answer
honestly, show your personality, highlight what you can do and just be
enjoyable. Personality can get you farther than almost anything else. Everyone
has likable qualities, now is the time to put yours on parade.
Stage 3: Don’t Call
Me, I’ll Call You
The waiting game commences. It’s like you had the first date
of your life and you just know he’ll call tomorrow. Likely he may not. Be
patient. A follow up is critical but often over- and under- done. Personally, I love a nice hand written note.
An email is also just as well. What I don’t care for is the awkward
interruption of a phone call from a candidate asking how things re progressing.
I realize not all recruiters or hiring managers are on top of the follow-up
thing but I promise if they like you, you will know. Still with something short
and sweet to serve a purpose. Let them know you appreciated their time, are
still interested (or not), and look forward to hearing more form them. The end.
That’s all. Over doing may not necessarily keep you from landing the job but it
won’t help either.
This may not seem like much, but these few suggestions are
something I have come up with in just one year of recruiting experience. In one
year I have seen each of the faux pas time and time again and felt compelled to
educate the masses! (All three of our blog followers) Let us know if there are
any details you would enjoy expansion on and we will certainly oblige!
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